Only faculty can nominate students.
Deadline is April 1, 2025.

All faculty letters of support and nomination materials must be submitted to Please include "Biological/Life Sciences Lancaster Dissertation Competition" in the subject line of your email.

Submit Letters and Nomination Materials Here

Competition Requirements

  • Doctoral degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology; Marine Science; OR Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.
  •  Dissertation completion must fall in the period of July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023 (no exceptions).
  • Three faculty letters of support are required. Each must evaluate the significance and quality of the student’s dissertation work. One letter must be from the nominee's dissertation supervisor, another from a member of the nominee's dissertation committee, and the third from a person of the nominee's choice.
  • A dissertation abstract not to exceed 5 double-spaced pages. Appendices containing non-textual material, such as charts or tables, may be included. Each page should be numbered and bear the name of the nominee. This abstract may differ from the one submitted as part of the Ph.D. filing process.
  • A current curriculum vitae not to exceed 5 pages.

Award Details

  • A check for $1,000 and a plaque will be awarded.
  • Recipient will be UC Santa Barbara’s nominee  for the Council of Graduate Schools ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award competition.
  • Recipient will be a member of the Graduate Division Commencement Platform Party, where they will be presented with their award.

Selection Process and Criteria

  • A subcommittee of the Graduate Council will review entries.
  • The winner will be selected based on content of dissertation abstract and letters of recommendation.
  • Criteria for selection: Impact on field in terms of methodological and  substantive contributions.