We strive to provide extensive programming, resources, and support for our graduate students to build their own blend of academic and social experiences here at UC Santa Barbara.

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Admissions, Outreach & Diversity

The Admissions, Outreach, and Diversity unit at UC Santa Barbara’s Graduate Division fosters a diverse and talented graduate community by providing admissions guidance, outreach events, and support resources to prospective students, while partnering with departments to enhance recruitment efforts and promote an inclusive environment.

Academic Services

Our Academic Services team processes petitions, committee nominations, advancement to candidacy documents, organizes all aspects of commencement, provides degree checks, and theses/dissertation guidelines and advising. 

Student Financial Support

Our Student Financial Support team administers fellowship programs and certifies student eligibility for fellowship funding and graduate student academic appointments. 

Mentorship and Inclusivity

We aim to provide a community of diverse scholars with academic, professional, and social support systems that will allow them to reach their educational and personal success. 

Professional Development

The Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC) offers a variety of workshops and events, individual advising, and referrals to other campus resources that serve graduate students. The GradPost is the main resource website for the GSRC.

Campus Resources

From organizations advocating for graduate student needs and affinities, to resources for health, counseling, housing, parking, recreation, and other important aspects of UCSB life.