August 8, 2024 | 10 am | Henley Hall
Summer Presentations Day 1
UC LEADS, the Academic Research Consortium (ARC), and Sally Casanova, and Cal-Bridge Scholars
August 9, 2024 | 10:30 am | Henley Hall
Summer Presentations Day 2
UC Santa Barbara-California State University Channel Islands (UCSB-CSUCI) Summer Research Experience Scholars
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Paul Spickard
Graduate Mentor: Chiquitara Kendall
Presentation Title:
Issac Aboab da Fonseca: Architecture, Identity, and a Case Study of the Sephardic Jewish Diaspora’s Entanglement in the Colonial Atlantic
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kyle Ratner
Graduate Mentor: Lee Cui
Presentation Title:
Relationship between Stigmatization and Emotions
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kyle Ratner
Graduate Mentor: Lee Cui
Presentation Title:
The Effect of Negative Stereotypes on Neural Reward Processing and Emotional Responses in Mexican Americans
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dolores Inés Casillas
Graduate Mentor: Karla Larrañaga
Presentation Title:
Memes as Everyday Discourse: Exchanges Regarding Accents and Latinx Experiences
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Arpit Gupta
Graduate Mentor: Jaber Daneshmooz
Presentation Title:
Speed Test Contextualization: Last Hop Medium Classifier for Speed Test
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Lucy Arellano
Graduate Mentor: Marilyn Monroy Castro
Presentation Title:
Rotating Along Borders: Contextualizing Experiences of Rurality Among Queer Transfronterizxs College Students
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Phillip Christopher
Graduate Mentors: Matea Hooper and Anika Jalil
Presentation Title:
The Influence of Polyviny|pyrrolidone (PVP) and Temperature on Copper Nanoparticle Sizes though Chemical Reduction Synthesis to Reduce Sintering
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Max Millar-Blanchaer
Graduate Mentor: Skyler Palatnick
Presentation Title:
Improving Direct Imaging of Exoplanets Through the Use of Silicon-on-Glass Metasurfaces
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Irene Beyerlein
Graduate Mentor: Morgan Jones
Presentation Title:
Mesoscale modelling of screw dislocation glide in body-centred cubic metals
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Zoe Liberman
Graduate Mentor: Elizabeth Quinn-Jensen
Presentation Title:
CRP-D: Contextual Racial Presentation
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Goard
Graduate Mentor: Nora Wolcott
Presentation Title:
Effects of highly fluctuating estradiol on the neuroplasticity of pregnant mice
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Prabhanjan Ananth
Presentation Title:
Proving the Security of Candidate Construction of Quantum Pseudorandom Unitaries
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Andrea Young
Graduate Mentor: Yi Guo
Presentation Title:
Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Twisted Molybdenum Ditelluride (Mote2)
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Max Wilson
Graduate Mentor: Jose Roberto Rodrigues Reyes
Presentation Title:
Optogenetic Control of PERK in the Integrated Stress Response
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Beyeler
Graduate Mentor: Lily Turkstra
Presentation Title:
Comparing the Accuracy of Key Neural Extraction Techniques
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ambuj Singh
Graduate Mentor: Danish Ebadulla
Presentation Title:
Targeted Edge Perturbations on Graph Neural Networks
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Tommy Sprague
Graduate Mentor: Amelia Harrison
Presentation Title:
Split-Attention: An Electroencephalogram Study
Faculty Mentor: Dr. James Roney
Graduate Mentor: Tikal Catena
Presentation Title:
Navigating Virtual Environments
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Javier Birchenall
Graduate Mentor: Leshan Xu
Presentation Title:
Opioids and Inefficacy of Public Policies: Economics of the War on Drugs
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Giuliana Perrone
Graduate Mentor: Sarah Dunne
Presentation Title:
Rectifying Dred Scott: African American Citizenship in American Law
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Zoe Liberman
Graduate Mentor: Shreya Sodhi
Presentation Title:
Children’s Expectations and Attitudes of Immigrant’s Cultural Practices
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Zoe Liberman
Graduate Mentor: Chuyi Yang
Presentation Title:
Is Private Correction a Good Friendship Cue?
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Karen Szumlinski
Graduate Mentor: Fernando Cano
Presentation Title:
Neurobiological Mechanisms of Drug Craving: Does Blocking the mTOR Pathway Reduce Drug Craving?
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Norbert Reich
Graduate Mentor: Drew McDonald
Presentation Title:
The Biochemistry of Epigenetic Gene Regulation - DNMT3 Enzyme
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Yang Hai
Graduate Mentor: Wenhui Xi
Presentation Title:
Synthesis, Purification and Crystallization of Iron-II 2-Oxogluterate Dependent Recombinant SwnH2
Graduate Division Planning Committee
Dr. Leila J. Rupp, Interim Dean of the Graduate Division
Dr. Robert Hamm, Assistant Dean, Graduate Division
Walter Boggan, Director of Admissions, Outreach, and Diversity, Graduate Division
Dr. Carlos Nash, Director of Diversity Programs, Graduate Division
Michele Johnson, Associate Director, Diversity Initiatives, Graduate Division
Karen van Gool, Assistant Director, Outreach, Graduate Division
2024 Graduate Student Program Mentors
Adriane McDonald, PhD Candidate, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
Angela Morales Bontempo, PhD Candidate, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology/Dynamical Neuroscience
Annjulie Vester, PhD Candidate, Political Science
Lupita Romo-Gonzalez, Phd Student, Education

"It’s essential that students understand that their community might not solely come from their department or their discipline, but rather across majors, affinity groups, clubs, or other organizations. With our summer research programs and events, we provide promising future doctoral scholars an opportunity to glimpse what life is like as a UC Santa Barbara graduate student.”
-- Karen van Gool, Assistant Director Graduate Outreach
Read more about our Summer Research Program scholars, staff, and mentors in The Current.
2024 Summer Program Faculty and Graduate Student Mentors
Faculty Mentors
Dr. Paul Spickard
Dr. Kyle Ratner
Dr. Dolores Inés Casillas
Dr. Arpit Gupta
Dr. Lucy Arellano
Dr. Phillip Christopher
Dr. Max Millar-Blanchaer
Dr. Irene Beyerlein
Dr. Zoe Liberman
Dr. Michael Goard
Dr. Max Wilson
Dr. Beth Pruitt
Dr. Michael Beyeler
Dr. Ambuj Singh
Dr. Tommy Sprague
Dr. James Roney
Dr. Javier Birchenall
Dr. Giuliana Perrone
Dr. Karen Szumlinski
Dr. Norbert Reich
Dr. Yang Hai
Graduate Student Mentors
Chiquitara Kendall
Lee Cui
Karla Larrañaga
Jaber Daneshmooz
Marilyn Monroy Castro
Matea Hooper
Anika Jalil
Skyler Palatnick
Morgan Jones
Elizabeth Quinn-Jensen
Nora Wolcott
Yi Guo
Jose Roberto Rodriguez Reyes
Gabriela Villalpando Torres
Miguel Sanchez Lozano
Lily Turkstra
Danish Ebadulla
Amelia Harrison
Tikal Catena
Leshan Xu
Sarah Dunne
Shreya Sodhi
Chuyi Yang
Fernando Cano
Drew McDonald
Wenhui Xi
Workshop Leaders, Guest Lecturer, Alumni, and Campus Partners
Workshop Leaders
Walter Boggan, Director of Admissions, Outreach, and Diversity, Graduate Division
Dr. Carlos Nash, Director of Diversity Programs, Graduate Division
Karen van Gool, Assistant Director of Outreach & UC LEADS/Summer Programs Coordinator, Graduate Division
Michele Johnson, Associate Director of Diversity Programs, Graduate Division & Director of UC LEADS Systemwide
Dr. Robby Nadler, Lecturer, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University Wellington & Writing Specialist, Graduate Division
Angela Morales, PhD Candidate & Summer Program Mentor
Annjulie Vester, PhD Candidate & Summer Program Mentor
Lupita Romo-Gonzalez, PhD Student & Summer Program Mentor
Courtney Durdle, PhD Candidate & McNair Writing Specialist
Guest Lecturer
Dr. Frank Harris, III, Professor, Postsecondary Education and Co-director of the Community College Equity Assessment Lab at San Diego State University
Summer Program Alumni Panel
Eric Cortez, PhD Student, UCLA
Luis Ramirez, PhD Candidate, Yale
Monique Estrada, PhD Student, UCSB
Participating Departments
Chemical Engineering
Chicanx Studies
Computer Science
Materials Science
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Psychological and Brain Sciences
Conference Services
Angelica Diaz
Danny Chisholm
Special thanks to
- UCSB Summer Sessions for their generous support
- The UCSB Graduate Student Association
About the Summer Research Programs at UC Santa Barbara
The Academic Research Consortium (ARC), Sally Casanova, Cal-Bridge, UCSB/CSUCI Summer Research Experience, and UC LEADS summer research programs provide mentored research experiences in all disciplines to scholars with the potential to succeed in graduate study, but who have experienced situations or conditions that have adversely impacted their advancement in their field of study. These programs target talented and motivated students who can benefit from additional encouragement and academic support. The programs also foster students in scholarly research endeavors to help them achieve their personal and professional goals.
Scholars are matched individually with UCSB faculty and graduate student mentors who provide training and support during the summer program. As part of these summer programs, the scholars are provided the opportunity to explore their discipline, gain research experience, and receive support from their faculty and graduate student mentor.
Learn more about UCSB summer research | Contact Graduate Division Outreach
Learn more about our summer research opportunities at UC Santa Barbara
Contact Karen van Gool, Assistant Director of Graduate Division Outreach.