
Create Fellowships

Fellowships, essentially scholarships for graduate students, provide core financial aid as they help pay tuition, fees, and health insurance for our graduate students. They strengthen UCSB's ability to compete with other institutions in recruiting top students. Learn more about the Dissertation Fellowshipa matching gift program that helps students complete their degree.

Enhance Mentorship and Inclusion

The Graduate Division supports a diverse community of scholars through a number of innovative programs. These include the Promise and Racial Justice Fellowships and Graduate Scholars Program.


Elevate Graduate Education

The Graduate Division plays a critical leadership role in preparing all graduate students at UC Santa Barbara to be outstanding in their careers on a state, national and international level. Gifts to the Dean’s Fund for Graduate Excellence and Innovation provide the Dean of the Graduate Division with flexible funding for emerging opportunities. We offer over 100 professional development workshops and networking events per year to support graduate student career advancement.

Other ways to give

Read more about other giving methods ((including wire transfers, securities, payroll deduction, trust and estate gifts, retirement plans, or gifts-in-kind). Are you an entrepreneur? Join the newly launched UCSB Innovators Circle

Contact Us

John Lofthus headshot

John Lofthus

Assistant Dean for Development

(805) 680-3924