Education doctoral candidate Hui Zhang works closely with a local elementary school as part of her research into community-based, special education servicing. As a former attorney, Zhang made a decision to pursue her PhD at UC Santa Barbara after becoming a parent. She hopes to continue to research ways to help immigrant parents navigate services and supports in special education.
We got a chance to interview Zhang a few weeks before Commencement. Here is our short Q&A with Zhang, who shares how her personal experiences and advocacy inspired her choice to pursue grad school at UC Santa Barbara.
So my study focus is in special education. Before special education, I was a practicing attorney. This change happened when my son was diagnosed with autism at the age of four. Although I was a practicing attorney, and I was adept in navigating the complicated legal system, I still struggled finding the right services and resources for him. This personal experience inspired me to dive deeper and explore the broader landscape of special education as both a researcher and parent, and address the barriers faced by parents in the same, similar situation as I did.
I chose UCSB, first of all, because of the beauty of Goleta and the fact we have the top notch experts and professionals working to fill this office of special education. I feel very lucky to be able to work with them, and also because I'm really interested in their community based practices .
In our department, we have a long term partnership with the local elementary school. So that's very in line with my research, community based family center, special education services. So all those factors came into my decision.
My advisor and other faculty members in my department there are super supportive. My advisor, Professor Diana Arya has been really supportive along this journey. Without her help, it would have been impossible for me to make it to this point. She's been helping me, encouraging me, and has been my biggest cheerleader in pushing me to explore the boundaries of special education as both a lawyer and special education researcher.
Together they create a really collaborative and nurturing environment to help us thrive. As a researcher, she's an amazing I mean, among all the faculty members I've worked with, she's the best, simply the best.
The graduate students in my department, they foster collaboration through a variety of different events and project such as, introducing plenary workshop projects and the conferences.
For example, I've been participating in a VR virtual reality project happening in Harding Elementary School. I'm so fortunate to be able to work with scholars from different backgrounds like a graphic designers, creative writing, and computer science through this interdisciplinary collaboration. I feel like I'm able to handle problems from a multiple angles and definitely enrich my research as a researcher.
My current study is about first generation immigrant parents and their navigations in the special education system in the United States. My interest, arose from my personal experiences as a parent of a child with autism. Also, I want to address the barriers faced by parents, especially those from a diverse linguistic and culture background, and how they can access the resources they need for their children.
Through my research, I just want to highlight the importance of linguistic and culturally responsive services to help and make a meaningful impact to the life of children with special need as well as for their families.
I will continue my study in community based, family centered, special education research. I am about to start my position as director of Autism Research and policy for Chinese American Autism Research Empowerment Service Association this August. It's a nonprofit organization based in Seattle. I'm very excited about this opportunity.
Like I said earlier, my commitment is to make a meaningful impact in the life of children with special needs and for their families, especially those from diverse linguistic and cultural background, because I know that's important and I know that's under addressed.

Zhang was a runner up in Education Preliminary Round of the 2024 Grad Slam competition. Her presentation "Factors that Impact Immigrant Parents' Service Choices for their Children with Autism" stems from her personal experience and advocacy.
Watch her Grad Slam presentation here.