Project Summary
This project, an extension of the existing collaborative outreach SKILLS program (School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society), brought together faculty and students from Linguistics, Education and Chicana/o studies to understand the politics of race and language in learning contexts. Their specific goal was to understand how the languages and dialects that racialized minority children bring from home are seen as obstacles or deficits by educational institutions, and to train graduate and undergraduate students to conduct research in the schools, in which high-school students document their own languages. The group pursued these goals by reading original research on topics such as race and racism, language, and politically engaged pedagogies. This then informed the group in conducting research, and developing a new course that prepared undergraduate students to mentor high school students in research. The group also helped to prepare low-income Latino youth for college by training them to carry out original research on language use in their peer groups, families, and communities – as well as writing scholarly articles on this research. The faculty and graduate fellows' research also lead to scholarly academic publications.

Collaborating Departments
Chicano Studies
Project Participants
Faculty Investigators: Mary Bucholtz (Linguistics), Dolores Inés Casillas (Chicana and Chicano Studies), Jin Sook Lee (Givertz Graduate School of Education)
Fellows: Anna Bax (Linguistics), Juan Sebastian Ferrada, (Chicano/a Studies), Tijana Hirsch, (Education), Zuleyma Rogel (Education)
Graduate Students: María José Aragón (Education), Daniel Chui (Chemistry), Meghan Corella Morales (Education), Sebastian Ferrada (Chicano/a Studies), Katherine Jan (Comparative Literature), Audrey Lopez (Linguistics), Jessica Love-Nichols (Linguistics), Elizabeth Mainz (Education), Justine Meyr (Education), Zuleyma Rogel (Education), Rachel Rys (Feminist Studies), Hala Sun (Education), Tiange Wang (Education), Verónica Zavala (Film & Media Studies), Adanari Zarate (Chicano/a Studies)