Get information regarding change of degree status, general graduate student petition, in absentia, leave of absence, reinstatement from lapsed status, intercampus exchange, education abroad, cross-campus enrollment programs, and part-time tuition status through our quick links.

Until further notice, please email all forms and petitions to The petition fee, advancement fee, thesis submission fee, and Filing Fee, if owed, will be charged directly to your BARC account upon the processing of your petition/form.

For best practices on submitting forms and petitions electronically, please consult our Best Practices page

Petition, Filing, Advancement, & Other Academic Deadlines

Forms & Petitions for Graduate Students

Academic Progress Plan Petition | Full Policy
For documenting the plan of action for students to return to good academic standing.

Change of Degree Status Petition Petition | Full Policy
For requests to add or drop a master’s degree objective, emphasis or certificate program, and drop a doctoral degree objective.

Embargo (Delayed Release) Request Form Petition | Full Policy
For requesting delayed release of your master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, or supporting document for more than 2 years (no petition needed for 2 years or less).

FILING Leave of Absence Petition Petition |  Full Policy DocuSign PowerForm
For requesting a leave, in lieu of registering, during quarter student is meeting final degree milestone (terminal master’s thesis, comprehensive exam or project, doctoral dissertation, or supporting document). One-time use only.

General Graduate Student Petition Petition | Full Policy
For requesting transfer of credit; to take Extension courses; waive Graduate Council requirements; dual enrollment.

Graduate Student BARC Paid Status  Form  |  DocuSign PowerForm
This form is used to get into paid status for students who have funding delays. It should be filled out by the funding department staff and sent to

In Absentia Registration  Petition  |  Full Policy  DocuSign PowerForm
For requesting reduced tuition when research or study requires residing outside of the local campus region for the duration of a quarter.

Intercampus Exchange Program for Graduate Students (IEPGS) Petition  Petition  |  Full Policy
For requesting to take classes at another UC campus, or to receive independent study credit with a professor at another UC campus.

Leave of Absence Petition  Petition  |  Full Policy  DocuSign PowerForm
For requesting to take off one or more quarters due to personal reasons. Graduate student parents are encouraged to download our Parenting Accommodations Packet for additional resources. 

Supplemental LOA form for Central Fellows  Form
Required for any central fellow requesting a change in the schedule of their fellowship due to a Leave of Absence.

Part-Time Status  Petition  |  Full Policy |  DocuSign PowerForm 
For credential, terminal master's, or doctoral students who are not advanced to candidacy to request Part-Time Status.

Reinstatement to Graduate Status Petition  |  DocuSign PowerForm |  Full Policy
For requesting to re-enroll after a lapse in status.

Retroactive Schedule Adjustment Petition  Petition  |  Full Policy
For requesting a schedule adjustment after the last day of instruction for the quarter.

Time to Degree Extension for Parenting Demands  Petition  |  Full Policy
For requesting an extension to your time-to-degree due to parenting demands. Graduate student parents are encouraged to download our Parenting Accommodations Packet for additional resources.

Summer Filing Leave of Absence Petition  |  Full Policy  DocuSign PowerForm
For international graduate students who have fulfilled all degree requirements except the final examination and filing of the master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, DMA supporting document, or completion of master’s comprehensive examination or project to take a Summer Filing LOA in lieu of registering.

Masters & Doctoral Degree Forms & Workflows

Committee Nomination, Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and Updates

Master's Thesis and Doctoral Committees are now nominated and updated via GradPoint through the Committee Actions Workflow. Please see this page for instructions. If you are requesting an exception to policy, please use this Committee Exception Request Form and upload the completed form to Gradpoint in the Department Review step of the workflow.

Report on Advancement to Candidacy for the Degree of Ph.D. or DMA

Reporting Advancement to Candidacy is also done via Gradpoint through the Advancement to Candidacy Workflow. Please view instructions here.

Doctoral Degree Form III 
Report on Doctoral Degree Final Defense (Public or Waived)  Form III
To report the outcome of the final doctoral defense or waiver of the defense. This is separate from the dissertation/supporting document signature page.

Conflict of Interest Form COI
Stand-alone form used to report on possible conflicts of interest in graduate education

Joint Doctoral Degree Forms & Workflows

Only for students in the Geography or History Joint Doctoral Programs

Joint Doctoral Degree Committee Form I and Conflict of Interest Disclosure  Form I & COI (Joint)
Nominate Master's Thesis and Doctoral Committees on Gradpoint, and upload the completed Form I to the Gradpoint Workflow

Joint Doctoral Degree Form I-A  Form IA (Joint)
To request approval to change student's master's thesis or doctoral committee, upload the completed Form I-A (Joint) to the Committee Change Workflow on Gradpoint

Committee Exception Request Form
Committee Exception Request Form

Joint Doctoral Degree Form II 
Report on Qualifying Examinations for the Joint Doctoral Degree  Form II (Joint)
Report the outcome of the qualifying exam by uploading the completed Form II to the Department Review step of the Advancement to Candidacy Workflow on Gradpoint

Joint Doctoral Degree Form III 
Report on Final Examinations for the Joint Doctoral Degree (Public or Waived)  Form III (Joint)
To report the outcome of the final doctoral defense or waiver of the defense

Graduate Division Fellowship and Grant Applications

Applications must be received in the Graduate Division by March 25, 2021 at 4 p.m.

Continuing graduate students may apply directly to these fellowships by clicking the DocuSign forms in the links below. Please note for reference, a PDF version of the form is available to the right of each DocuSign link.

Note: The Broida-Hirschfelder Dissertation Award is not offered this year.

Brython Davis Graduate Fellowship
Brython Davis Graduate Fellowship DocuSign PowerForm  |  Reference Copy of Form

Olivia Long Converse Graduate Fellowship
Olivia Long Converse Graduate Fellowship DocuSign PowerForm  |  Reference Copy of Form

James D. Kline Fund for International Studies Award
James D. Kline Fund for International Studies Award DocuSign PowerForm  |  Reference Copy of Form

Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant DocuSign PowerForm  |  Reference Copy of Form

UCSB Crossroads

Admissions Forms

Note: Admissions forms and other resources for departmental staff use can be found on GradPoint


Eligibility Verification from Home Department  Form
Use this form for proposals to appoint an Associate, TA, GSR, Reader or Remedial Tutor when:

  • Employing unit is not the student's home department
  • Student meets policy standards